The Mirin Template

The NotITG Mirin Template. Easily create modfiles using Lua.

Project maintained by XeroOl Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Gradients are a feature of NotITG, and aren’t specific to the Mirin Template.

Set Num Points

   Player:SetNumPathGradientPoints(column, amount)
  Player:SetNumArrowGradientPoints(column, amount)
Player:SetNumStealthGradientPoints(column, amount)

These tell the game how many points/stops there are in the gradient (much like Photoshop gradients where you can set a color at each point).

Set Gradient Points

   Player:SetPathGradientPoint(point, column, where)
  Player:SetArrowGradientPoint(point, column, where)
Player:SetStealthGradientPoint(point, column, where)

These position those points on the column provided. (1 = 1 arrow -or- 64 pixels)


-- This would set the first point in the gradient 1 arrow (64 pixels) down from the receptors on column 0, which is the left column, on Player 1
-- Keep in mind that column and point numbers start at 0 and not 1. (I'm looking at you, Lua.)

Set Gradient Color

   Player:SetPathGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a)
  Player:SetArrowGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a)
Player:SetStealthGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a)

These will set the color of the point provided.


-- This arrow gradient has 4 points in it starting from 0. Point 0 will be colored Red,
-- then point 1 will be colored Green, then point 2 will 
-- be colored Blue, and the final point will be a fade on the alpha channel


To put it all together, here is some example code…

for pn = 1,2 do -- first, we run a loop so we can grab players 1 and 2
	local a = Plr(pn) -- grab the players here with this function (a means both players in this context)
	if a then -- if they exist do a thing
		for col = 0,3 do -- iterate through all the columns
			a:SetNumArrowGradientPoints(col,4)	-- for each column, set the number of points to 4

			a:SetArrowGradientPoint(0,col,1) -- set their points

			a:SetArrowGradientColor(0,col,1,0,0,1)	-- set their colors and shiet

You can swap out “Arrow” with “Path” so it affects the arrowpaths or “Stealth” so it only affects the notes when stealth is applied And there you go! You can now gradient!