The Mirin Template

The NotITG Mirin Template. Easily create modfiles using Lua.

Project maintained by XeroOl Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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aux {modname}

The aux function creates an auxiliary mod. The template will keep track of the value of the mod, but will not apply it to the players.


modname: string The name of the mod to create.


aux {'blacksphere'}
aux {'my_mod_1'}

The aux function can also take more than one modname.

aux {'mod1', 'mod2', 'mod3'}


node {modname, function(p)
    -- code

-- alternatively
node {
        -- code
        return k

node creates a function that transforms the values of mods before they are applied every frame. node creates a function that takes in mod values and outputs mod values.

modname: 1 or more strings The mods to take as input to the function
function: modnames => void or modname_out The function to run.
modname_out (optional): 0 or more strings The name of the mods to write back to.


Node is a very general function that can be used in different ways. These examples explore some of the ways in which node can be used.


This example shows how to create a 'blacksphere' mod with node.

aux {'blacksphere'}
node {
        local invert = 50 - 50 * math.cos(blacksphere * math.pi / 180)
        local alternate = 25 * math.sin(blacksphere * math.pi / 180)
        local reverse = -12.5 * math.sin(blacksphere * math.pi / 180)
        return invert, alternate, reverse
    'invert', 'alternate', 'reverse',

Firstly, the aux function marks the mod 'blacksphere' as an auxiliary mod. Then, the node function reads the value stored in 'blacksphere', and calculates and returns the amount of 'invert', 'alternate', and 'reverse' to apply.

Then, the 'blacksphere' auxiliary mod can be used:

ease {0, 1, outExpo, 180, 'blacksphere'}
ease {4, 1, outExpo, 0, 'blacksphere'}

Although 'blacksphere' uses 'invert', 'alternate', and 'reverse', those mods can still be used.

ease {0, 10, linear, 360, 'blacksphere', 100, 'reverse'}

Rotate BG

node can be used to bind properties of actors to auxiliary mods. In this example, the mod 'rotatebg' is is set up to control the angle of an actor.

-- In the Lua
aux {'rotatebg'}
node {'rotatebg', function(p)

-- In the XML
<Layer Name = "my_bg_actor" File = "my_background_file.png">

Then, the 'rotatebg' mod controls the rotation of the actor.

Tornado scaled by Flip

If a node reads and writes to the same mod, then that mod is overwritten instead of added.

node {
    'flip', 'tornado',
    function(flip, tornado)
        return (1 - flip * 0.02) * tornado

Superpowered Counter Rotation

Here’s an example of how powerful node can be: This node makes the confusionoffset mods be independent of the rotation mods.

alias {'confusionzoffset', 'confusionoffset'}
local sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos
local asin, atan2 = math.asin, math.atan2
local pi = math.pi
node {
    'rotationx', 'rotationy', 'rotationz',
    'confusionxoffset', 'confusionyoffset', 'confusionoffset',
    function(rx, ry, rz, cx, cy, cz)
        -- transform axes
        rx, rz = rz, rx
        cx, cz = cz, cx
        -- helpers for r
        local rcosx, rcosy, rcosz, rsinx, rsiny, rsinz =
            cos(rx / 360 * pi), cos(ry / 360 * pi), cos(rz / 360 * pi),
            sin(rx / 360 * pi), sin(ry / 360 * pi), sin(rz / 360 * pi)
        -- r to quaternion
        local ra, rb, rc, rd =
        -- helpers for c
        local ccosx, ccosy, ccosz, csinx, csiny, csinz =
            cos(cx/200), cos(cy/200), cos(cz/200),
            sin(cx/200), sin(cy/200), sin(cz/200)
        -- c to quaternion
        local ca, cb, cc, cd =
        -- o = c * inverse(r)
        local oa, ob, oc, od =
        -- o to euler angles
        local ox, oy, oz =
            100 * atan2(2*oc*oa-2*ob*od, 1-2*oc*oc-2*od*od),
            100 * asin(2*ob*oc+2*od*oa),
            100 * atan2(2*ob*oa-2*oc*od, 1-2*ob*ob-2*od*od)
        -- transform axes
        ox, oz = oz, ox
        return ox, oy, oz
    'confusionxoffset', 'confusionyoffset', 'confusionoffset',