The Mirin Template

The NotITG Mirin Template. Easily create modfiles using Lua.

Project maintained by XeroOl Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Defining Mods

definemod {modname, function(percent)
    -- implementation

The function definemod can be used to define custom auxiliary mods. Whenever modname is eased, the callback function will be called with the updated percent. definemod is useful because it lets the ease engine be used to control arbitrary non-mod behavior.


modname: string The name of the mod to define
function the function that is called every time the mod is changed


definemod {'rotatebg', function(p)
    -- rotates the actor `my_bg_actor`

This example ties the angle of an actor to a mod named 'rotatebg'.

Multiple Mods

definemod {mod1, mod2, mod3, ..., function(mod1, mod2, mod3, ...)
    -- implementation

If an implementation needs to access multiple ease values simultaneously, then multiple mods can be listed. The function arguments match the order that the mods are listed.


definemod {'actorradius', 'actorangle', function(r, a)
    my_actor:xy(math.cos(a) * r, math.sin(a) * r)

This example moves an actor using multiple input mods simultaneously.

Player Specific

definemod {mymod, function(percent, pn)
    -- implementation

Although it is rare, there are sometimes cases when a defined mod to be player specific: ie, it behaves differently depending on which player it’s been applied to. To accomplish this, the callback function can take in an extra argument, which is the player number. Keep in mind this will iterate for all eight players, including non-awake ones, so restrict any calls that wouldn’t work on non-awake players to currently-active ones with an if block.

Write to mods

Sometimes, mod definitions need to write back to other mods. This can be done by adding return values to the function. Here’s an example that implements blacksphere in terms of invert, alternate, and reverse.

definemod {
        local invert = 50 - 50 * math.cos(blacksphereoffset * math.pi / 180)
        local alternate = 25 * math.sin(blacksphereoffset * math.pi / 180)
        local reverse = -12.5 * math.sin(blacksphereoffset * math.pi / 180)
        return invert, alternate, reverse
    'invert', 'alternate', 'reverse',

If you merely want to create a shorthand for writing to other mods, use a set-style table with each target mod amount as the value when your newly-defined mod is at 100.

definemod {'mods', 100, 'brake', 100, 'drunk'}